Mike's Past Live Shows
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       Some people call it "Light Rock & Blues"......
    But it is hard to categorize Mike Gallo's music---He just plays from his
    heart. It isn't hard to describe his guitar playing though--Intricate
    rhythms and searing leads--He manages, at a time when our senses
    are numb from so much exposure to different types of music, to
    carve out a piece of it with his own unique style....Give it a listen...

    Mike also plays many private events of all kinds!
    For booking info contact DeLores at (936) 894-2381 or delores@mikegallo.net.

    You can see Mike at one of the following fine venues:

<*** This Just In!!!! ***>
Saturday, December 14, 2024
Bernhardt Winery
Bernhardt Winery
9043 County Road 204, Plantersville, Texas
*** MAP ***
(936) 894-9829
1:00 until 5:00 pm

Saturday, December 21, 2024
Bernhardt Winery
Annual Christmas Party!!
Bernhardt Winery
9043 County Road 204, Plantersville, Texas
*** MAP ***
(936) 894-9829
Mike will be on the Hay Ride from 5:30 pm until ???

     Congratulations to Navasota for being the "Official Blues Capitol of Texas"!!!
     And thanks to those who worked so hard to make it happen.

             Security provided by:  Sullivan Martial Arts